Sense-Making Journal: Loneliness Among Young Adults in Barcelona

MDEF: Measuring the world / A world in data activity report.

Team members:

Journal Index

From objectives to the hypothesis


Project Goals


Make young people feel less lonely in Barcelona


Is instant messaging making young people more lonely than other generations in Barcelona?


Instant messaging is making people feel lonely in Barcelona


-We think we could have been more definitive while setting the age group.

-Linking social media usage and loneliness as an assumption and the only factor.

-Generating our own data instead of an external source.

From hypothesis to data

Tools selection

The tool we used was Ardurino with LSR sensor to measure light.

We had two other options, the web scraper for collecting data about online behaviours or the physical intervention to interact with people for understanding loneliness from different perspectives.

Now we are satisfied with the tool we used, but in the future we would add more interactions to it by using audio visual ways of collecting data.

Tool usage documentation

Data capturing tool set:


Data capturing strategy

We wanted to see with our data collection, if people use their phones for instant social interactions and messaging even when they have a company around them.

Restaurants could be a good place for capturing this, by seeing people being together, but some of them use their phones secretly under the table, disconnecting themselves from others. We couldn’t measure it in real life, because we couldn’t install the device without the laptop under the table, so we observed if this is a valid case by visiting restaurants during lunch time around Poblenou.

The findings:

Materials needed

Detail setup instructions

  1. Set up the arduino board using jumper wires and LDR sensor. Using the image shared at the main HackMD file.

  1. Connect multiple light sensors and point them in opposite directions.

  2. Copy-pasted the source code file.

  1. Stacked the arduino board and the bread board next to each other.

  2. Taped them down to a piece of cardboard that fit to the correct size. (ensure cables remain undisturbed to not disrupt accuracy)

  1. Attached facing down to the bottom of the table.

  2. Used phone (whatsapp, instagram, FB messenger, photo gallery) under sensor.

  3. Observed when data waves peak and dip based on light usage.

Data collected

We used a serial monitor at first to give us a visual representation of the light changes then used CSV to give us a numerical output which represents the same information in another fashion. The CSV is able to give us the tabular data to evaluate in further steps.

We gave each sensor its own line so that theoretically, if there were multiple phones, we could see which direction the light was coming from. We could identify micro changes based on the different curve points the light intensity from differing media apps which are based on how users usually interact with and navigate them.


Data capture

Data summary

Data Summary
Project Title Lonely young people
Capture Start 12-11-2021
Capture End 12-11-2021
Original Data Format Multiple images
Submitted format CSV file
Total Data Points 100
Number of datasets 1
Data Repository

Data insights

No phone

Four sensors are turned on, but detecting almost no light.


Every peak is a scroll down, at the left is a slow scrolling, in the right its a fast scrolling (Anxious people?)


Photo browsing

The flat areas show less movement in the screen.


the interface of gmail is practically white, so there are no radical changes in the brightness.


Future steps for the experiment: