Fight Poster

When looking into the murky depths of the future of our world and society, it's hard not to despair. The scars of greed and the promise of infinite wealth run ragged through our minds, bodies, and environments. The prospects of climate catastrophe and general inaction by the status quo is driving many people towards a sense of apathy, leading them to believe that there is no alternative.

But the reality is that there are many alternatives for a different future. One in which we include historically excluded demographics that have learned to live with the land for hundreds of years. A society where we are collectively more mindful of the long term effect of our waste and that there's no "throwing away" when there's no "away".

The world that will emerge will bridge the chasm between human society and the natural world, because we are not living with nature, we are nature. And nature is the best design teacher we can find; with millions of years of experience, through innumerable trials and errors she has perfected the art of circular living.

This new approach to production will be human-centric and nature-centric, not only focusing on ecological well-being but human well-being. Allowing the natural workings of the planet to flourish while also providing a comfortable living to the masses.

My fight is to help humanity prosper as part of nature, to fight apathy about our world's future, and to bring historically excluded demographics to the design process as a global vision for an equitable, sustainable world.

Reflection of Meetings

After having one-on-ones with a few of my classmates (Tatiana, JoaquĆ­n, Nikita, Emilio) I began to not only think about their skills that I would like to develop myself, but about skills that I appreciated in them that they might've not noticed from first impressions and from knowing them for just under a month.
I appreciate their passion, their honesty and authenticty, their ability to make people around them feel at ease. I also appreciate their eye for style and colours, their way of thinking outside of the box, and their drive for change and knowledge.

Draft Personal Development Plan

Summarising everything that's written above, I know my growth will not be linear or directed at a specific target. Instead, it'll be a combination of chance and purpose. I have a general idea to aim towards a more organised, focused self that can visualise and communicate ideas clearly while learning about all of the aspects that will help me achieve my vision of the future (biology, mycotech, circular economy, and AI). I also wish to have a better understanding of society and the road emerging futures that stand before us.
How do all of these things relate to one another? My understanding of society and its development may influence the skills and knowledge that I consider important and valuable. My attitudes may also shift, as I discover more in depth the grim realities of a climate crisis knocking on our door. I see my future development with a general goal in mind, but without tight constraints that wouldn't allow me to search or explore beyond what I think is what I desire.